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Check patient insurance benefits
in real time.
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Hang up on insurance calls & devote more time to serving patients.

Medical/Dental Insurance Verification Software


Insurance verifications don’t have to consume 20 to 30 hours a week.

In fact, in just the time it took you to read that sentence, iCoreVerify would have already completed the checks for every patient on your schedule this week.

That's right, you'll have automated reports for both new and existing patients, with zero clicks on your part. If iCoreVerify can reduce your invested manpower by 2/3rds or more, where would you utilize all of those saved hours per week?

If you are looking for the best dental insurance verification software then look no further than iCoreVerify. Our exclusive medical and dental insurance verification software allows practices to verify patient insurance benefits in a click, using our real-time technology. No more waiting on the phone calling insurance after insurance company.  Spend time taking care of patients than on the phone.

With iCoreVerify Medical Insurance Verification Software You Can:

  • Instead of checking benefits one patient at a time, iCoreVerify returns detailed benefit checks for every patient on your schedule in REAL-TIME! 
  • Patient Insurance Verification: Check available patient benefits in real time directly from the payer's database with no need to speak to a representative on the phone
  • Medical Insurance Eligibility Verification: Response from payer database typically takes less than 1 second after clicking our Real-Time Benefit Check (RTBC) button
  • ​See up-to-date amounts of remaining insurance coverage for each of your patients, broken out by specialty. 
  • ​Substantially reduces required phone calls and labor hours
  • Integrates with popular practice management software, such as Dentrix, Eaglesoft & OpenDental and other medical practice management software
  • iCoreVerify retrieves real-time benefit data from more than 2100 insurance carriers. 
  • The Revenue Tab in our software continuously generates a list of unscheduled treatments. You see the patients remaining benefits alongside proposed treatments. 
  • Automated insurance verification means more accurate estimates, higher care acceptance, and a lot less time spent adjusting or chasing down payments. 

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Unlock the power of iCoreRx and iCoreVerify Platforms

(689) 799-2062

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